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What is Grief?

Grief is the pain associated with loss.  This does not always mean sadness.  It can mean anger, regret or even a lack of emotion (numbness). Grief is often in reference to death but can be associated with a loss of anything, i.e. occupation/financial stability, community, health/physical ability.  Grief is an inevitable part of life.  According to the Mayo Clinic, its various stages is individualized but the pain will eventually temper as time passes.  

When to Seek Help

Loss and grief can be disruptive to your life.  Grief is also not linear and it is situational base and there is not a norm to compare your experiences with.  So if you are uncertain, reach out to a health care professional for help.  There are many services that can help with processing grief from 1-on -1 counseling, peer support or or self-help programs.  

Resources & Services



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Call: 650-321-5272
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Phone: Monday-Thursday: 9am - 4pm (PST) / Friday: 9am - 1pm (PST)


Kara is a bay area non-profit organization that provides grief support to those who are grieving a death or managing terminal illness (their own or another).  They have been serving the bay area for more than 50 years.  Their team provides a wide range of services for children, teens, adults, families, caregivers/first responders and organizations/schools.  Their services are free to the individual (except for 1-on-1 counseling which fees are on a sliding scale).  Consultations, peer-to-peer, group sessions, and emergency grief counseling for organizations are all free.  Services are both in person and telehealth (phone or video meetings).  Serivces are also available in Spanish.


The core of Kara's services is rooted in peer-to-peer support.  There services are organized with that model in mind.  To provide compassionate support, services can be organized in specific ways like age, cultural background, relationship, language or occupation.  For example, there are support services specifically for children and teens.  They host are bi-monthly peer support groups.  These are organized by age groups.  Furthermore, every summer Kara hots a bereavement camp for children and teens.  The weekend long camp has traditional camp activities paired with grief education and emotional support.  All groups/events are facilitated by trained volunteers and with the supervision of Kara staff members. 


Kara also provides support services to organizations.  They can provide on-site crisis support if there is a death or anticipated death in your organization.  Their team can provide on-site support, defuse/debrief as well as offer pre-incident training.  Kara has worked with schools, community organizations and businesses. 

What to Expect

You can reach out to Kara via phone or online.


You can reach Kara by phone during their business hours.  Depending on the influx of calls, you may have to wait for the next staff member or leave a voicemail.  If you call afterhours you can leave a voicemail and will be contacted during business hours.  Typically, you will hear back from a Kara staff member within 48 hours.  *NOTE: This is not an emergency support service. 

You can also submit an online form at  A Kara staff member will then reach out via email and phone.


Once connected with a Kara staff member, they will ask you several intake questions.  These questions help the staff member recommend services specific to your circumstance as well as provide informational resources.  You are not obligated to participate in the presented services.  Some folks even are able to obtain support/stability through the intake/consultation process.

Learn More

"Compassionately Serving the Bereaved in Our Community"


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